Marty Edwards has been entertaining fans since the early 1970's. He started his musical career as a lead vocalist and guitarist for a Canadian based country band. He performed many popular Kenny Rogers songs of the time, but never consciously tried to imitate Kenny.
It wasn't until 1998 that he thought about doing a tribute to Kenny Rogers.
It was while recording a "Marty Edwards" album at a studio that producer James Bowers observed that not only did Marty bear a striking resemblance to the country great, but he actually sounded like Kenny!
Edwards didn't do anything about the comment made by James until 1998 when he produced the first annual "Put A Little Love In Your Heart" benefit concert, an annual benefit concert that helps abused children. His first show was short one act and so he put the Kenny Rogers tribute together as a one-time performance. It went over so well he was asked to repeat the performance at other venues. And so, in 1998 Marty's infamous tribute name became "Kinda Kenny™".
Marty Edwards' critically acclaimed tribute to Kenny Rogers, Kinda Kenny™, has since raised thousands of dollars for charity, and delighted audiences ever since!
Marty first met Kenny Rogers when Kenny saw Marty's tribute at an event in Billings, Montana. Marty was invited to Kenny's concert and had a chance to meet him. On departing, Kenny yelled out to Marty "Now don't go getting me into any trouble"!
A second meeting was in 2002. Kenny was performing and stopped to introduce Marty (who was sitting in the front row) to the audience to show the uncanny resemblance Kenny and he had.
Marty performs world-wide as Kindakenny™, the #1 Tribute to Kenny Rogers, touring across Canada, the USA, Mexico, Malaysia, England, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia.
What a thrill for Marty to have met Kenny several times and to have appeared on the Oprah Show, the Jay Leno Tonight Show and again on CNN Headline News.

Marty also produces a variety of professional shows found at Marty Edwards Music.
Shows for dances, concerts & festivals, theatres, corporation, fundraisers, uplifting for religious events...with a band or solo using professional backing tracks...
(Note: By clicking on Marty Edwards Music", you will leave the main "Kindakenny™" website.)